Complete Therapies Treatment goals
No two patients are alike. No two injuries are the same. No two disabilities are identical. Complete Therapies treat every patient as such. Our team of therapists will determine the best course of treatment for each individual client, who will have their own treatment plan and established goals to achieve from Aquatic, Recreational, and Medical Massage treatments. The ultimate goal of Complete Therapies is to establish and enhance the various life skills for an individual daily living. Such behaviors can include, social, community, physical, and psychological. Essentially, any life skill or skill needed for daily living will enhance the individual’s independence or quality of life for our clients.

How will therapy help me?
There are a number of benefits to individuals that become available from the participation of therapy. Therapists can provide patients with support, show problem-solving skills, and enhance coping strategies for the patient’s issues. In addition, therapy can aid in depressive issues, anxiety, the management of stress, promote healing from physical limitations, and the like.
what is therapy like?
Every client and individual is different and each has their own separate issues. For this, there are different goals for the therapies and therapy will be different for each client. In general, individuals can expect to discuss what has happened, and what is currently happening in their daily life in regard to their respective situations. Clients are also compelled to report their progress of any kind (both positive and negative) to their therapists to help further promote their treatment. Depending on the specific needs of the patient, therapy may be short-term for specific issues (such as an injury), or for a longer-term, if to deal with more difficult or life-altering situations.
Medical Massage Therapy
Diverse techniques in medical massage therapy such as: (crania-sacral, Swedish, effleurage, friction, deep tissue amongst others) are applied to address goal areas: relaxation, range of motion, sleep deprivation, circulation, sensory integration, and pain management.
recreational Therapy
This area of therapy addresses life skill development: self-dressing, outings, cognitive, coordination, socialization skill building and self-esteem.
Aquatic Therapy
Our therapists have diverse knowledge addressing specific goals: range of motion, breath control, flexibility, increasing core strengthening and balance while in the water.